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“Older generations are appalled by the musical tastes of our generation”

Electronic beats and lyrics describing things like gold diggers are common in new kinds of music. Often times the older generations are appalled by the musical tastes of our generation.

It’s understandable that older individuals who grew up on classic rock bands like Queen do not hear what we hear when they listen to our music. Compared to the older people who consider music from groups like Daft Punk and Gorillaz as ear-splitting noise, we actually hear relaxing beats and lyrics from them. The evolution of music from one generation to the next is very strange.

I feel that the evolution of music is what helps to discern one generation from the next. By listening to music from a certain time period, you can get a sense of what was going on during that generation. For instance, by listening to a piece by Bach or Brahms, who were both classical composers, you can get a sense of living in simpler times.

One thing that sets our generation apart from older generations is our very diverse musical taste. I have friends who prefer groups like The Rolling Stones over Imagine Dragons, and others who prefer punk rock to dubstep. I feel that this diversity also helps older generations connect with us.

I grew up listening to many different musical groups, ranging from Vertical Horizon to Queen. My dad always tries his best to introduce as many different genres of music to me and my brother as possible. As a result, I am currently rediscovering classic rock, which I realize now is not too different from some of the music I listen to now.

The next time your grandfather tells you to turn down the bass on your stereo, perhaps ask him what his favorite artist or group was when he was younger. You may find that you both share very similar musical taste.

Evan Kwong

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